
Dr. Thomas Kastner, Botox Salzburg

per regi­on (frown line, crow’s feet, forehead wrink­le) € 250,–
2 or 3 regi­ons (frown line, crow’s feet, forehead wrink­le) € 390,–
Gum­my Smi­le € 250,–
Arm­pits on both sides € 590,–
Baby Botox (smal­ler amount of acti­ve ingre­dient) € 250,–
Lip injec­tion from € 390,–
Naso­la­bi­al fold € 390,–
Wrink­le € 390,–

Botox Salzburg

Individual advice at fair prices

In our cli­nic in Salz­burg, every Botox tre­at­ment begins with a detail­ed con­sul­ta­ti­on. Your wis­hes are recor­ded, the effect to be achie­ved and the method dis­cus­sed and all ques­ti­ons ans­we­red in detail.

This con­sul­ta­ti­on is part of the tre­at­ment and is only char­ged as a fee if you want to recon­si­der the tre­at­ment after the initi­al con­sul­ta­ti­on. In case of a later tre­at­ment this fee will be deduc­ted again.

Our pri­ces are based on the regi­on of the body, the inten­si­ty of the wrink­les and the asso­cia­ted expen­se of the tre­at­ment, as well as the indi­vi­du­al strength of the mus­cles.

You can find a list of average pri­ces in the table abo­ve. Varia­ti­ons in the pri­ces of Botox tre­at­ments will be dis­cus­sed during the con­sul­ta­ti­on in our Salz­burg office.

The effec­ti­ve method for wrink­le reduc­tion and the fair pri­ces ensu­re your rela­xed facial expres­si­on!