Filler — hyaluronic acid

Dr. Thomas Kastner, Botox Salzburg

Filler — hyaluronic acid

Many pati­ents want ful­ler and more beau­ti­ful lips with more volu­me. It is important that the natu­ral appearan­ce is not lost and the pro­por­ti­ons are cor­rect.


A small punc­tu­re is made with a need­le under local anesthe­sia. The hyaluro­nic acid is then intro­du­ced into the lip with a can­nu­la. The advan­ta­ge is that the tis­sue is mini­mal­ly inju­red, the risk of brui­sing is very low and the hyaluro­nic acid can be even­ly dis­tri­bu­t­ed.

  • more beau­ti­ful lips

  • more volu­me

  • Natu­ral appearan­ce

  • right pro­por­ti­ons

  • Punc­tu­re with local anesthe­sia

  • mini­mal tis­sue dama­ge

  • low risk for brui­ses