Dr. Thomas Kastner, Botox Salzburg

Botox treatments already from € 250.-

  • Arm­pits

  • Forehead cre­a­se

  • Frown line

  • Crow’s feet

  • Gum­my Smi­le

  • Naso­la­bi­al fold

  • Lip injec­tion

Botox Salzburg

Adieu, you unloved wrinkles! Servus, youthful appearance!

A fare­well that pro­bab­ly hurts no one. Let your wrink­les sim­ply disap­pe­ar, becau­se the pro­te­in Botox is a true foun­tain of youth. After a tre­at­ment at Dr. Kastner’s cli­nic in Salz­burg, you will look youn­ger, more res­ted and radi­ant, and you will appe­ar more vital and healt­hi­er.

Used as a tre­at­ment against mimic wrink­les or in the tre­at­ment against exces­si­ve swea­ting, Botox is used as a means of aes­the­tic medi­ci­ne in our sur­ge­ry in Salz­burg.

The tre­at­ment is visi­ble after only a few days and lasts for several mon­ths. After that, the pro­te­in is com­ple­te­ly bro­ken down by the body. Accu­mu­la­ti­on in the body, pene­tra­ti­on into the sys­temic cir­cu­la­ti­on or depen­dence is not pos­si­ble.

Howe­ver, it is pos­si­ble that you will recei­ve nume­rous com­pli­ments on your good loo­ks after the tre­at­ment.

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Dr. Kastner Botox Salzburg

The pro­te­in, which is for­med by bac­te­ria, is a ner­ve toxin that slows down the work of the mus­cles and rela­xes them.

The­re­fo­re, we use Botox in our Salz­burg office whe­re­ver you want to redu­ce your expres­si­on lines for a limi­ted peri­od of time: Forehead wrink­les, frown lines, crow’s feet and laugh lines, gum­my smi­le, naso­la­bi­al fold and the arm­pits.

The result after the tre­at­ment is a tigh­tening of the skin, effec­ti­ve con­tain­ment of swea­ting and mini­miz­a­ti­on of unwan­ted wrink­les.

In order to achie­ve the reduc­tion of wrink­les, Botox is injec­ted with a fine need­le into the mus­cle at the exact spot whe­re the unwel­co­me wrink­le for­ma­ti­on occurs.

Like­wi­se, Botox is injec­ted in our office in Salz­burg into the mus­cle that is respon­si­ble for acti­vat­ing the sweat glands.

For this, we have accu­mu­la­ted a lot of exper­ti­se on the cor­rect dosa­ge and injec­tion points in terms of the desi­red result.

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