A spring freshness cure

Dr. Thomas Kastner, Botox Salzburg

So you shine with the spring around the race

When the first spring sun tick­les the nose and ten­der buds beco­me visi­ble on the trees and bus­hes, faces no lon­ger hide under thick scar­ves and caps pul­led deep into the forehead. The fail­u­res of the win­ter sea­son beco­me visi­ble des­pi­te gre­a­sy skin care pro­ducts and show them­sel­ves in dry and red­den­ed skin, itching or in an unplea­sant sta­te of ten­si­on.

The cul­prits of dry skin are the hea­ting air and the chan­ge in tem­pe­ra­tu­re bet­ween out­doors and indoors, as well as snow, cold and wind. As a result, small expres­si­on lines beco­me more pro­mi­nent and make a face look tired, dull, sad and lacking in ener­gy.

Get your face ready for spring now

Let your face shi­ne with the spring sun and say good­bye to unsight­ly wrink­les. To make your facial fea­tures shi­ne with youth­ful fresh­ness and look vital, healt­hy and cheer­ful, you can resort to Botox tre­at­ment in Salz­burg.

The pro­te­in pro­du­ced by bac­te­ria is used to relax the mus­cles, ther­eby mini­mi­zing wrink­les and tigh­tening the skin. Whe­ther you want your forehead wrink­le, frown lines, crow’s feet and laugh lines, your gum­my smi­le or the annoy­ing naso­la­bi­al fold to disap­pe­ar: The pro­ce­du­re with Botox in Salz­burg only requi­res an out­pa­ti­ent tre­at­ment and a prick with a thin need­le.

The Botox is injec­ted direct­ly into the mus­cle tis­sue and alrea­dy shows the first effects after a few days. Minor red­ness and swel­ling disap­pe­ar after a maxi­mum of one hour and fur­ther side effects are hard­ly known. In return, your face will appe­ar signi­fi­cant­ly reju­ve­na­ted and radi­ant­ly beau­ti­ful.

A freshness boost for any age

Botox tre­at­ments are per­for­med in Salz­burg for all ages, even if the average age is bet­ween 40 and 50. Dis­tur­bing wrink­les can con­tri­bu­te to a dis­gr­unt­led facial expres­si­on even at a young age. Don’t let your smi­le be dis­tur­bed by unsight­ly wrink­les and trust Botox tre­at­ment in Salz­burg.

Tog­e­ther with you, we ana­ly­ze your skin con­di­ti­on, the depth of the wrink­les and the desi­red result in advan­ce. Only cli­ni­cal­ly tes­ted acti­ve ingre­dient is used for the tre­at­ment at Botox Salz­burg and the app­li­ca­ti­on is per­for­med by Dr. Tho­mas Kas­t­ner and his team of trai­ned pro­fes­sio­nals with addi­tio­nal trai­ning and many years of expe­ri­ence.

A softening effect despite the presence of facial expressions

The small, dis­tur­bing wrink­les are the result of facial expres­si­ons. Howe­ver, this is an important means of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, as a cer­tain emo­ti­on is repre­sen­ted by a rai­sed eye­brow, a mouth that is con­tor­ted on one side or by a libe­ra­ted laugh. The facial mus­cles work for this facial expres­si­on. Over­ex­er­ti­on of the mus­cles, loss of skin tone, reduc­tion of skin firm­ness and mois­tu­re and, of cour­se, exter­nal influ­en­ces such as in win­ter favor the for­ma­ti­on of wrink­les.

Des­pi­te the smoot­hing of wrink­les and the reduc­tion of mus­cle acti­vi­ty, Botox-Salz­burg does not have to do without inte­res­ting facial expres­si­ons. On the con­tra­ry, a tre­at­ment with Botox in Salz­burg leads to a natu­ral result. The slight­ly redu­ced facial expres­si­on ther­eby pre­vents the for­ma­ti­on of new wrink­les.

Power tips for spring fresh skin

A quick but not long-las­ting pick-me-up for win­ter-wea­ry skin is a sau­na ses­si­on fol­lo­wed by a skin care ritu­al. Alt­hough sau­nas do not dis­sol­ve exis­ting wrink­les, they do have a posi­ti­ve effect on the skin: blood cir­cu­la­ti­on is sti­mu­la­ted, the sub­se­quent skin care creams and lotions are bet­ter absor­bed and mois­tu­re is thus bet­ter stored. An addi­tio­nal mas­sa­ge of the skin are­as and the use of care pro­ducts with suf­fi­ci­ent sun pro­tec­tion work against pre­ma­tu­re skin aging.

For the long-las­ting effect, howe­ver, experts recom­mend tre­at­ment with Botox, as this will make you radi­ant with spring!